As Americans we have the constitutional right to keep and bear arms.
Carrying a gun gives you awesome power. You have the power of life and death of everyone you come in contact with on a daily basis. With that power comes an equally awesome responsibility to know when to use the gun, where to use the gun and how to use the gun. For those of you that have taken my concealed weapons permit course, you know that we spend a lot of time talking about the legal aspect of carrying and potentially using a gun to mitigate a situation that would require the use of a gun to protect your life or the life of a loved one. We also talk about the importance of getting competent training and practicing with your gun.
It has often been said that “You will not rise to the occasion; you will default to the level training you have mastered”. If you have purchased or are planning to purchase a firearm for home or self-defense, it is incumbent on you to seek out and get quality training on all aspects of defensive firearms use. Initial training should include basic shooting positions, draw stroke, combat accuracy, emergency and tactical reloads, malfunction drills, and shooting strong hand only and support hand only. More advanced training will include moving and shooting, discretionary command training, shooting from “non-standard” positions and scenario-based training. Needless to say these lists are not inclusive.
I encourage you to watch this YouTube video. It will hit home on the importance of mindset, training, and practice.